gradient.cli package¶
gradient.cli.cli module¶
gradient [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Save your api key
gradient apiKey [OPTIONS] [API_KEY]
Optional argument
Manage clusters
gradient clusters [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
List your team clusters
gradient clusters list [OPTIONS]
- -l, --limit <cluster_limit>¶
Limit listed experiments per page
- -o, --offset <cluster_offset>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage machine types
gradient clusters machineTypes [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
List available machine types
gradient clusters machineTypes list [OPTIONS]
- --clusterId <cluster_id>¶
Filter machine types by cluster ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage datasets
gradient datasets [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create dataset
gradient datasets create [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Required Dataset name
- --storageProviderId <storage_provider_id>¶
Required Storage provider ID
- --description <description>¶
Dataset description
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete dataset
gradient datasets delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_id>¶
Required Dataset ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show dataset details
gradient datasets details [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_id>¶
Required Dataset ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage files
gradient datasets files [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Delete files
gradient datasets files delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_version_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --path <paths>¶
Sub-directory to delete
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Get files
gradient datasets files get [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_version_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --source-path <source_paths>¶
File or directory to get
- --target-path <target_path>¶
Required Target directory path
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List files
gradient datasets files list [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_version_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --path <path>¶
Sub-directory to list
- --recursive <recursive>¶
Recursive list content
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Put files
gradient datasets files put [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_version_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --source-path <source_paths>¶
Required File or directory to put
- --target-path <target_path>¶
Target dataset file path
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List datasets
gradient datasets list [OPTIONS]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Update dataset
gradient datasets update [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_id>¶
Required Dataset ID
- --name <name>¶
Dataset name
- --description <description>¶
Dataset description
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage versions
gradient datasets versions [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Commit dataset version
gradient datasets versions commit [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_version_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create dataset version
gradient datasets versions create [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --message <message>¶
Dataset version message
- --source-path <source_paths>¶
Files to put into dataset version (setting this will commit the version)
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete dataset version
gradient datasets versions delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_version_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show dataset version details
gradient datasets versions details [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_version_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List dataset versions
gradient datasets versions list [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_id>¶
Required Dataset ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5)
- --isCommitted <is_committed>¶
Show filter by committed status
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Update dataset version
gradient datasets versions update [OPTIONS]
- --id <dataset_version_id>¶
Required Dataset version ID (ex: dsr8k5qzn401lb5:klfoyy9)
- --message <message>¶
Dataset version message
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage Deployments
gradient deployments [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create a deployment
gradient deployments create [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Required Name
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Required Project ID
- --clusterId <cluster_id>¶
Cluster ID
- --spec <spec_path>¶
Required Path to a deployment spec file
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
Delete a deployment
gradient deployments delete [OPTIONS]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --id <id>¶
Required ID
Get a deployment
gradient deployments get [OPTIONS]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --id <id>¶
Required ID
List deployments
gradient deployments list [OPTIONS]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
Update a deployment
gradient deployments update [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required ID
- --name <name>¶
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Project ID
- --clusterId <cluster_id>¶
Cluster ID
- --spec <spec_path>¶
Path to a deployment spec file
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
Manage experiments
gradient experiments [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create new experiment
gradient experiments create [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create multi node experiment
gradient experiments create multinode [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Name of new experiment
- --ports <ports>¶
Port to use in new experiment
- --workspace <workspace>¶
Path to workspace directory, archive, S3 or git repository
- --workspaceRef <workspace_ref>¶
Git commit hash, branch name or tag
- --workspaceUsername <username>¶
Workspace username
- --workspacePassword <workspace_password>¶
Workspace password
- --ignoreFiles <ignore_files>¶
Ignore certain files from uploading
- --workingDirectory <working_directory>¶
Working directory for the experiment
- --artifactDirectory <artifact_directory>¶
Artifacts directory
- --clusterId <cluster ID>¶
Cluster ID
- --experimentEnv <experiment_env>¶
Environment variables in a JSON
- --projectId <project ID>¶
Required Project ID
- --modelType <model type>¶
Model type
- --modelPath <path>¶
Model path
- --isPreemptible¶
Flag: is preemptible
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --experimentType <experiment_type_id>¶
Required Experiment Type
- Options
- --workerContainer <container>¶
Required Worker container
- --workerMachineType <machine type>¶
Required Worker machine type
- --workerCommand <command>¶
Required Worker command
- --workerCount <worker_count>¶
Required Worker count
- --parameterServerContainer <container>¶
Parameter server container (GRPC only)
- --parameterServerMachineType <machine type>¶
Parameter server machine type (GRPC only)
- --parameterServerCommand <command>¶
Parameter server command (GRPC only)
- --parameterServerCount <parameter_server_count>¶
Parameter server count (GRPC only)
- --masterContainer <container>¶
Master container (MPI only)
- --masterMachineType <machine type>¶
Master machine type (MPI only)
- --masterCount <master_count>¶
Master count (MPI only)
- --masterCommand <command>¶
Master command (MPI only)
- --workerContainerUser <worker_container_user>¶
Worker container user
- --workerRegistryUsername <worker_registry_username>¶
Worker container registry username
- --workerRegistryPassword <password>¶
Worker registry password
- --workerRegistryUrl <registry url>¶
Worker registry URL
- --parameterServerContainerUser <parameter_server_container_user>¶
Parameter server container user
- --parameterServerRegistryUsername <parameter_server_registry_username>¶
Parameter server registry username
- --parameterServerRegistryPassword <password>¶
Parameter server registry password
- --parameterServerRegistryUrl <registry url>¶
Parameter server registry URL
- --masterContainerUser <master_container_user>¶
Master container user (MPI only)
- --masterRegistryUsername <username>¶
Master registry username (MPI only)
- --masterRegistryPassword <password>¶
Master registry password (MPI only)
- --masterRegistryUrl <registry url>¶
Master registry URL (MPI only)
- --datasetId <dateset id>¶
Dataset ID
- --datasetUri <dateset uri>¶
Url to S3 bucket with dataset
- --datasetName <dateset name>¶
Name of dataset
- --datasetAwsAccessKeyId <AWS access key>¶
S3 bucket’s Access Key ID
- --datasetAwsSecretAccessKey <dataset_secret_access_key_list>¶
S3 bucket’s Secret Access Key
- --datasetAwsEndpoint <dataset_endpoint_list>¶
S3 endpoint URL
- --datasetVersionId <version ID>¶
S3 dataset’s version ID
- --datasetEtag <etag>¶
S3 dataset’s ETag
- --datasetVolumeKind <dataset_volume_kind_list>¶
S3 dataset’s volume kind. If used, –datasetVolumeSize has to be set as well
- Options
dynamic | shared
- --datasetVolumeSize <dataset_volume_size_list>¶
S3 dataset’s volume size
- --tensorboard¶
Creates new tensorboard for this experiment
- --tensorboard_set <tensorboard ID>¶
Add to existing tensorboard
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create single node experiment
gradient experiments create singlenode [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Name of new experiment
- --ports <ports>¶
Port to use in new experiment
- --workspace <workspace>¶
Path to workspace directory, archive, S3 or git repository
- --workspaceRef <workspace_ref>¶
Git commit hash, branch name or tag
- --workspaceUsername <username>¶
Workspace username
- --workspacePassword <workspace_password>¶
Workspace password
- --ignoreFiles <ignore_files>¶
Ignore certain files from uploading
- --workingDirectory <working_directory>¶
Working directory for the experiment
- --artifactDirectory <artifact_directory>¶
Artifacts directory
- --clusterId <cluster ID>¶
Cluster ID
- --experimentEnv <experiment_env>¶
Environment variables in a JSON
- --projectId <project ID>¶
Required Project ID
- --modelType <model type>¶
Model type
- --modelPath <path>¶
Model path
- --isPreemptible¶
Flag: is preemptible
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --container <container>¶
Required Container
- --machineType <machine type>¶
Required Machine type
- --command <command>¶
Required Container entrypoint command
- --containerUser <container_user>¶
Container user
- --registryUsername <registry_username>¶
Registry username
- --registryPassword <password>¶
Registry password
- --registryUrl <registry url>¶
Registry URL
- --datasetId <dateset id>¶
Dataset ID
- --datasetUri <dateset uri>¶
Url to S3 bucket with dataset
- --datasetName <dateset name>¶
Name of dataset
- --datasetAwsAccessKeyId <AWS access key>¶
S3 bucket’s Access Key ID
- --datasetAwsSecretAccessKey <dataset_secret_access_key_list>¶
S3 bucket’s Secret Access Key
- --datasetAwsEndpoint <dataset_endpoint_list>¶
S3 endpoint URL
- --datasetVersionId <version ID>¶
S3 dataset’s version ID
- --datasetEtag <etag>¶
S3 dataset’s ETag
- --datasetVolumeKind <dataset_volume_kind_list>¶
S3 dataset’s volume kind. If used, –datasetVolumeSize has to be set as well
- Options
dynamic | shared
- --datasetVolumeSize <dataset_volume_size_list>¶
S3 dataset’s volume size
- --tensorboard¶
Creates new tensorboard for this experiment
- --tensorboard_set <tensorboard ID>¶
Add to existing tensorboard
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete an experiment
gradient experiments delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required ID of the experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show detail of an experiment
gradient experiments details [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required ID of the experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage hyperparameters
gradient experiments hyperparameters [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create hyperparameter
gradient experiments hyperparameters create [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Name of new experiment
- --ports <ports>¶
Port to use in new experiment
- --workspace <workspace>¶
Path to workspace directory, archive, S3 or git repository
- --workspaceRef <workspace_ref>¶
Git commit hash, branch name or tag
- --workspaceUsername <username>¶
Workspace username
- --workspacePassword <workspace_password>¶
Workspace password
- --ignoreFiles <ignore_files>¶
Ignore certain files from uploading
- --workingDirectory <working_directory>¶
Working directory for the experiment
- --artifactDirectory <artifact_directory>¶
Artifacts directory
- --clusterId <cluster ID>¶
Cluster ID
- --experimentEnv <experiment_env>¶
Environment variables in a JSON
- --projectId <project ID>¶
Required Project ID
- --modelType <model type>¶
Model type
- --modelPath <path>¶
Model path
- --isPreemptible¶
Flag: is preemptible
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --tuningCommand <tuning_command>¶
Required Tuning command
- --workerContainer <worker_container>¶
Required Worker container
- --workerContainerUser <worker_container_user>¶
Worker container user
- --workerMachineType <worker_machine_type>¶
Required Worker machine type
- --hyperparameterServerMachineType <hyperparameter_server_machine_type>¶
Hyperparameter Server machine type
- --workerCommand <worker_command>¶
Required Worker command
- --workerCount <worker_count>¶
Required Worker count
- --workerUseDockerfile¶
Flag: use dockerfile
- --workerDockerfilePath <dockerfile_path>¶
Path to
- --workerRegistryUsername <worker_registry_username>¶
Worker registry username
- --workerRegistryPassword <worker_registry_password>¶
Worker registry password
- --hyperparameterServerRegistryUsername <hyperparameter_server_registry_username>¶
Hyperparameter server registry username
- --hyperparameterServerRegistryPassword <hyperparameter_server_registry_password>¶
Hyperparameter server registry password
- --hyperparameterServerContainer <hyperparameter_server_container>¶
Hyperparameter server container
- --hyperparameterServerContainerUser <hyperparameter_server_container_user>¶
Hyperparameter server container user
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show details of hyperparameter
gradient experiments hyperparameters details [OPTIONS]
- --id <id_>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List hyperparameters
gradient experiments hyperparameters list [OPTIONS]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create and start hyperparameter tuning job
gradient experiments hyperparameters run [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Name of new experiment
- --ports <ports>¶
Port to use in new experiment
- --workspace <workspace>¶
Path to workspace directory, archive, S3 or git repository
- --workspaceRef <workspace_ref>¶
Git commit hash, branch name or tag
- --workspaceUsername <username>¶
Workspace username
- --workspacePassword <workspace_password>¶
Workspace password
- --ignoreFiles <ignore_files>¶
Ignore certain files from uploading
- --workingDirectory <working_directory>¶
Working directory for the experiment
- --artifactDirectory <artifact_directory>¶
Artifacts directory
- --clusterId <cluster ID>¶
Cluster ID
- --experimentEnv <experiment_env>¶
Environment variables in a JSON
- --projectId <project ID>¶
Required Project ID
- --modelType <model type>¶
Model type
- --modelPath <path>¶
Model path
- --isPreemptible¶
Flag: is preemptible
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --tuningCommand <tuning_command>¶
Required Tuning command
- --workerContainer <worker_container>¶
Required Worker container
- --workerContainerUser <worker_container_user>¶
Worker container user
- --workerMachineType <worker_machine_type>¶
Required Worker machine type
- --hyperparameterServerMachineType <hyperparameter_server_machine_type>¶
Hyperparameter Server machine type
- --workerCommand <worker_command>¶
Required Worker command
- --workerCount <worker_count>¶
Required Worker count
- --workerUseDockerfile¶
Flag: use dockerfile
- --workerDockerfilePath <dockerfile_path>¶
Path to
- --workerRegistryUsername <worker_registry_username>¶
Worker registry username
- --workerRegistryPassword <worker_registry_password>¶
Worker registry password
- --hyperparameterServerRegistryUsername <hyperparameter_server_registry_username>¶
Hyperparameter server registry username
- --hyperparameterServerRegistryPassword <hyperparameter_server_registry_password>¶
Hyperparameter server registry password
- --hyperparameterServerContainer <hyperparameter_server_container>¶
Hyperparameter server container
- --hyperparameterServerContainerUser <hyperparameter_server_container_user>¶
Hyperparameter server container user
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Start hyperparameter tuning
gradient experiments hyperparameters start [OPTIONS]
- --id <id_>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List experiments
gradient experiments list [OPTIONS]
- -p, --projectId <project ID>¶
Filter by project IDs. Multiple use
- --tag <tags>¶
Filter by tags. Multiple use
- -l, --limit <exp_limit>¶
Limit listed experiments per page
- -o, --offset <exp_offset>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List experiment logs
gradient experiments logs [OPTIONS]
- --id <experiment_id>¶
- --line <line>¶
- --limit <limit>¶
- --follow <follow>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Read experiment metrics
gradient experiments metrics [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Get experiment metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient experiments metrics get [OPTIONS]
- --id <experiment_id>¶
Required ID of the experiment
- --metric <metrics_list>¶
One or more metrics that you want to read: cpuPercentage, memoryUsage, gpuMemoryFree, gpuMemoryUsed, gpuPowerDraw, gpuTemp, gpuUtilization, gpuMemoryUtilization. Defaults to cpuPercentage and memoryUsage. To view available custom metrics, use command: gradient experiments metrics list
- --interval <interval>¶
- --start <start>¶
Timestamp of first time series metric to collect
- --end <end>¶
Timestamp of last time series metric to collect
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List experiment metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient experiments metrics list [OPTIONS]
- --id <experiment_id>¶
Required ID of the experiment
- --interval <interval>¶
- --start <start>¶
Timestamp of first time series metric to collect
- --end <end>¶
Timestamp of last time series metric to collect
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Watch live experiment metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient experiments metrics stream [OPTIONS]
- --id <experiment_id>¶
Required ID of the experiment
- --metric <metrics_list>¶
One or more metrics that you want to read. Defaults to cpuPercentage and memoryUsage
- Options
cpuPercentage | memoryUsage | gpuMemoryFree | gpuMemoryUsed | gpuPowerDraw | gpuTemp | gpuUtilization | gpuMemoryUtilization
- --interval <interval>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create and start new experiment
gradient experiments run [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create and start new multi node experiment
gradient experiments run multinode [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Name of new experiment
- --ports <ports>¶
Port to use in new experiment
- --workspace <workspace>¶
Path to workspace directory, archive, S3 or git repository
- --workspaceRef <workspace_ref>¶
Git commit hash, branch name or tag
- --workspaceUsername <username>¶
Workspace username
- --workspacePassword <workspace_password>¶
Workspace password
- --ignoreFiles <ignore_files>¶
Ignore certain files from uploading
- --workingDirectory <working_directory>¶
Working directory for the experiment
- --artifactDirectory <artifact_directory>¶
Artifacts directory
- --clusterId <cluster ID>¶
Cluster ID
- --experimentEnv <experiment_env>¶
Environment variables in a JSON
- --projectId <project ID>¶
Required Project ID
- --modelType <model type>¶
Model type
- --modelPath <path>¶
Model path
- --isPreemptible¶
Flag: is preemptible
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --experimentType <experiment_type_id>¶
Required Experiment Type
- Options
- --workerContainer <container>¶
Required Worker container
- --workerMachineType <machine type>¶
Required Worker machine type
- --workerCommand <command>¶
Required Worker command
- --workerCount <worker_count>¶
Required Worker count
- --parameterServerContainer <container>¶
Parameter server container (GRPC only)
- --parameterServerMachineType <machine type>¶
Parameter server machine type (GRPC only)
- --parameterServerCommand <command>¶
Parameter server command (GRPC only)
- --parameterServerCount <parameter_server_count>¶
Parameter server count (GRPC only)
- --masterContainer <container>¶
Master container (MPI only)
- --masterMachineType <machine type>¶
Master machine type (MPI only)
- --masterCount <master_count>¶
Master count (MPI only)
- --masterCommand <command>¶
Master command (MPI only)
- --workerContainerUser <worker_container_user>¶
Worker container user
- --workerRegistryUsername <worker_registry_username>¶
Worker container registry username
- --workerRegistryPassword <password>¶
Worker registry password
- --workerRegistryUrl <registry url>¶
Worker registry URL
- --parameterServerContainerUser <parameter_server_container_user>¶
Parameter server container user
- --parameterServerRegistryUsername <parameter_server_registry_username>¶
Parameter server registry username
- --parameterServerRegistryPassword <password>¶
Parameter server registry password
- --parameterServerRegistryUrl <registry url>¶
Parameter server registry URL
- --masterContainerUser <master_container_user>¶
Master container user (MPI only)
- --masterRegistryUsername <username>¶
Master registry username (MPI only)
- --masterRegistryPassword <password>¶
Master registry password (MPI only)
- --masterRegistryUrl <registry url>¶
Master registry URL (MPI only)
- --no-logs¶
Don’t show logs. Only create, start and exit
- --datasetId <dateset id>¶
Dataset ID
- --datasetUri <dateset uri>¶
Url to S3 bucket with dataset
- --datasetName <dateset name>¶
Name of dataset
- --datasetAwsAccessKeyId <AWS access key>¶
S3 bucket’s Access Key ID
- --datasetAwsSecretAccessKey <dataset_secret_access_key_list>¶
S3 bucket’s Secret Access Key
- --datasetAwsEndpoint <dataset_endpoint_list>¶
S3 endpoint URL
- --datasetVersionId <version ID>¶
S3 dataset’s version ID
- --datasetEtag <etag>¶
S3 dataset’s ETag
- --datasetVolumeKind <dataset_volume_kind_list>¶
S3 dataset’s volume kind. If used, –datasetVolumeSize has to be set as well
- Options
dynamic | shared
- --datasetVolumeSize <dataset_volume_size_list>¶
S3 dataset’s volume size
- --tensorboard¶
Creates new tensorboard for this experiment
- --tensorboard_set <tensorboard ID>¶
Add to existing tensorboard
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create and start new single node experiment
gradient experiments run singlenode [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Name of new experiment
- --ports <ports>¶
Port to use in new experiment
- --workspace <workspace>¶
Path to workspace directory, archive, S3 or git repository
- --workspaceRef <workspace_ref>¶
Git commit hash, branch name or tag
- --workspaceUsername <username>¶
Workspace username
- --workspacePassword <workspace_password>¶
Workspace password
- --ignoreFiles <ignore_files>¶
Ignore certain files from uploading
- --workingDirectory <working_directory>¶
Working directory for the experiment
- --artifactDirectory <artifact_directory>¶
Artifacts directory
- --clusterId <cluster ID>¶
Cluster ID
- --experimentEnv <experiment_env>¶
Environment variables in a JSON
- --projectId <project ID>¶
Required Project ID
- --modelType <model type>¶
Model type
- --modelPath <path>¶
Model path
- --isPreemptible¶
Flag: is preemptible
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --container <container>¶
Required Container
- --machineType <machine type>¶
Required Machine type
- --command <command>¶
Required Container entrypoint command
- --containerUser <container_user>¶
Container user
- --registryUsername <registry_username>¶
Registry username
- --registryPassword <password>¶
Registry password
- --registryUrl <registry url>¶
Registry URL
- --no-logs¶
Don’t show logs. Only create, start and exit
- --datasetId <dateset id>¶
Dataset ID
- --datasetUri <dateset uri>¶
Url to S3 bucket with dataset
- --datasetName <dateset name>¶
Name of dataset
- --datasetAwsAccessKeyId <AWS access key>¶
S3 bucket’s Access Key ID
- --datasetAwsSecretAccessKey <dataset_secret_access_key_list>¶
S3 bucket’s Secret Access Key
- --datasetAwsEndpoint <dataset_endpoint_list>¶
S3 endpoint URL
- --datasetVersionId <version ID>¶
S3 dataset’s version ID
- --datasetEtag <etag>¶
S3 dataset’s ETag
- --datasetVolumeKind <dataset_volume_kind_list>¶
S3 dataset’s volume kind. If used, –datasetVolumeSize has to be set as well
- Options
dynamic | shared
- --datasetVolumeSize <dataset_volume_size_list>¶
S3 dataset’s volume size
- --tensorboard¶
Creates new tensorboard for this experiment
- --tensorboard_set <tensorboard ID>¶
Add to existing tensorboard
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Start experiment
gradient experiments start [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required ID of the experiment
- --logs¶
Show logs
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Stop experiment
gradient experiments stop [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required ID of the experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage gradient jobs
gradient jobs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Manage jobs’ artifacts
gradient jobs artifacts [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Destroy job’s artifacts
gradient jobs artifacts destroy [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
ID of the job
- --files <files>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List job’s artifacts
gradient jobs artifacts download [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
- --destinationDir <destination_directory>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Get job’s artifacts
gradient jobs artifacts get [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
ID of the job
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List job’s artifacts
gradient jobs artifacts list [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
ID of the job
- -s, --size¶
Show file size
- -l, --links¶
Show file URL
- --files <files>¶
Get only given file (use at the end * as a wildcard)
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create job
gradient jobs create [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Job name
- --machineType <machine_type>¶
Required Virtual machine type
- --container <container>¶
Required Docker container
- --command <command>¶
Job command/entrypoint
- --ports <ports>¶
Mapped ports
- --isPublic <is_public>¶
Flag: is job public
- --workspace <workspace>¶
Path to workspace directory
- --workingDirectory <working_directory>¶
Working directory for the experiment
- --ignoreFiles <ignore_files>¶
Ignore certain files from uploading
- --experimentId <experiment_id>¶
Experiment Id
- --envVars <env_vars>¶
Environmental variables
- --useDockerfile <use_dockerfile>¶
Flag: using Dockerfile
- --isPreemptible <is_preemptible>¶
Flag: isPreemptible
- --project <project>¶
Project name
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Required Project ID
- --startedByUserId <started_by_user_id>¶
User ID
- --relDockerfilePath <rel_dockerfile_path>¶
Relative path to Dockerfile
- --registryUsername <registry_username>¶
Docker registry username
- --registryPassword <registry_password>¶
Docker registry password
- --cluster <cluster>¶
Cluster name
- --clusterId <cluster_id>¶
Cluster id
- --nodeAttrs <node_attrs>¶
Cluster node details
- --registryTarget <registry_target>¶
Docker registry target
- --registryTargetUsername <registry_target_username>¶
Docker registry username
- --registryTargetPassword <registry_target_password>¶
Docker registry password
- --buildOnly¶
Determines whether to only build and not run image (default false)
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --dataset <datasets>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete job
gradient jobs delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
Required Delete job with given ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
List jobs with optional filtering
gradient jobs list [OPTIONS]
- --project <project>¶
Use to filter jobs by project name
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Use to filter jobs by project ID
- --experimentId <experiment_id>¶
Use to filter jobs by experiment ID
- --tag <tags>¶
Filter by tags. Multiple use
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List job logs
gradient jobs logs [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
- --line <line>¶
- --limit <limit>¶
- --follow <follow>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Read job metrics
gradient jobs metrics [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Get job metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient jobs metrics get [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
Required ID of the job
- --metric <metrics_list>¶
One or more metrics that you want to read: cpuPercentage, memoryUsage, gpuMemoryFree, gpuMemoryUsed, gpuPowerDraw, gpuTemp, gpuUtilization, gpuMemoryUtilization. Defaults to cpuPercentage and memoryUsage. To view available custom metrics, use command: gradient jobs metrics list
- --interval <interval>¶
- --start <start>¶
Timestamp of first time series metric to collect
- --end <end>¶
Timestamp of last time series metric to collect
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List job metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient jobs metrics list [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
Required ID of the job
- --interval <interval>¶
- --start <start>¶
Timestamp of first time series metric to collect
- --end <end>¶
Timestamp of last time series metric to collect
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Watch live job metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient jobs metrics stream [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
Required ID of the job
- --metric <metrics_list>¶
One or more metrics that you want to read. Defaults to cpuPercentage and memoryUsage
- Options
cpuPercentage | memoryUsage | gpuMemoryFree | gpuMemoryUsed | gpuPowerDraw | gpuTemp | gpuUtilization | gpuMemoryUtilization
- --interval <interval>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Stop running job
gradient jobs stop [OPTIONS]
- --id <job_id>¶
Required Stop job with given ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
Log out / remove apiKey from config file
gradient logout [OPTIONS]
Manage machines
gradient machines [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Get machine availability for the given region and machine type. Note: availability is only provided for the dedicated GPU machine types. Also, not all machine types are available in all regions
gradient machines availability [OPTIONS]
- --region <region>¶
Required Name of the region
- Options
CA1 | NY2 | AMS1
- --machineType <machine_type>¶
Required Machine type
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create a new Paperspace virtual machine. If you are using an individual account, you will be assigned as the owner of the machine. If you are a team administrator, you must specify the user that should be assigned to the machine, either by specifing a user id, or by providing an email address, password, first name and last name for the creation of a new user on the team.
gradient machines create [OPTIONS]
- --region <region>¶
Required Name of the region
- Options
CA1 | NY2 | AMS1
- --machineType <machine_type>¶
Required Machine type
- --size <size>¶
Required Storage size for the machine in GB
- --billingType <billing_type>¶
Required Either ‘monthly’ or ‘hourly’ billing
- Options
hourly | monthly
- --machineName <name>¶
Required A memorable name for this machine
- --templateId <template_id>¶
Required Template id of the template to use for creating this machine
- --assignPublicIp¶
Assign a new public ip address on machine creation. Cannot be used with dynamicPublicIp
- --dynamicPublicIp¶
Assigns a new public ip address on machine start and releases it from the account on machine stop. Cannot be used with assignPublicIp
- --networkId <network_id>¶
If creating on a specific network, specify its id
- --teamId <team_id>¶
If creating the machine for a team, specify the team id
- --userId <user_id>¶
If assigning to an existing user other than yourself, specify the user id (mutually exclusive with email, password, firstName, lastName)
- --email <email>¶
If creating a new user for this machine, specify their email address (mutually exclusive with userId)
- --password <password>¶
If creating a new user, specify their password (mutually exclusive with userId)
- --firstName <first_name>¶
If creating a new user, specify their first name (mutually exclusive with userId)
- --lastName <last_name>¶
If creating a new user, specify their last name (mutually exclusive with userId)
- --notificationEmail <notification_email>¶
Send a notification to this email address when complete
- --scriptId <script_id>¶
The script id of a script to be run on startup. See the Script Guide for more info on using scripts
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Destroy the machine with the given id. When this action is performed, the machine is immediately shut down and marked for deletion from the datacenter. Any snapshots that were derived from the machine are also deleted. Access to the machine is terminated immediately and billing for the machine is prorated to the hour. This action can only be performed by the user who owns the machine, or in the case of a team, the team administrator.
gradient machines destroy [OPTIONS]
- --id <machine_id>¶
Required The id of the machine to destroy
- --releasePublicIp¶
releases any assigned public ip address for the machine; defaults to false
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show machine information for the machine with the given id.
gradient machines details [OPTIONS]
- --id <machine_id>¶
Required Id of the machine to show
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List information about all machines available to either the current authenticated user or the team, if the user belongs to a team. The list method takes an optional first argument to limit the returned machine objects.
gradient machines list [OPTIONS]
- --params <params>¶
JSON used to filter machines. Use either this or a combination of following options
- --id <id>¶
Optional machine id to match on
- --name <name>¶
Filter by machine name
- --os <os>¶
Filter by os used
- --ram <ram>¶
Filter by machine RAM (in bytes)
- --cpus <cpus>¶
Filter by CPU count
- --gpu <gpu>¶
Filter by GPU type
- --storageTotal <storage_total>¶
Filter by total storage
- --storageUsed <storage_used>¶
Filter by storage used
- --usageRate <usage_rate>¶
Filter by usage rate
- --shutdownTimeoutInHours <shutdown_timeout_in_hours>¶
Filter by shutdown timeout
- --performAutoSnapshot <perform_auto_snapshot>¶
Filter by performAutoSnapshot flag
- --autoSnapshotFrequency <auto_snapshot_frequency>¶
Filter by autoSnapshotFrequency flag
- Options
hour | day | week
- --autoSnapshotSaveCount <auto_snapshot_save_count>¶
Filter by auto shapshots count
- --agentType <agent_type>¶
Filter by agent type
- --dtCreated <created_timestamp>¶
Filter by date created
- --state <state>¶
Filter by state
- --updatesPending <updates_pending>¶
Filter by updatesPending
- --networkId <network_id>¶
Filter by network ID
- --privateIpAddress <private_ip_address>¶
Filter by private IP address
- --publicIpAddress <public_ip_address>¶
Filter by public IP address
- --region <region>¶
Filter by region
- Options
CA1 | NY2 | AMS1
- --userId <user_id>¶
Filter by user ID
- --teamId <team_id>¶
Filter by team ID
- --dtLastRun <last_run_timestamp>¶
Filter by last run date
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Restart an individual machine. If the machine is already restarting, this action will request the machine be restarted again. This action can only be performed by the user who owns the machine
gradient machines restart [OPTIONS]
- --id <machine_id>¶
Required Id of the machine to restart
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Start up an individual machine. If the machine is already started, this action is a no-op. If the machine is off, it will be booted up. This action can only be performed by the user who owns the machine
gradient machines start [OPTIONS]
- --id <machine_id>¶
Required Id of the machine to start
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Stop an individual machine. If the machine is already stopped or has been shut down, this action is a no-op. If the machine is running, it will be stopped and any users logged in will be immediately kicked out. This action can only be performed by the user who owns the machine
gradient machines stop [OPTIONS]
- --id <machine_id>¶
Required Id of the machine to start
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Update attributes of a machine
gradient machines update [OPTIONS]
- --id <machine_id>¶
Required Id of the machine to update
- --machineName <name>¶
New name for the machine
- --shutdownTimeoutInHours <shutdown_timeout_in_hours>¶
Number of hours before machine is shutdown if no one is logged in via the Paperspace client
- --shutdownTimeoutForces <shutdown_timeout_forces>¶
Force shutdown at shutdown timeout, even if there is a Paperspace client connection
- --performAutoSnapshot <perform_auto_snapshot>¶
Perform auto snapshots
- --autoSnapshotFrequency <auto_snapshot_frequency>¶
One of ‘hour’, ‘day’, ‘week’, or null
- Options
hour | day | week
- --autoSnapshotSaveCount <auto_snapshot_save_count>¶
Number of snapshots to save
- --dynamicPublicIp <dynamic_public_ip>¶
If true, assigns a new public ip address on machine start and releases it from the account on machine stop
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Get machine utilization data for the machine with the given id. Machine upgrades are not represented in utilization data
gradient machines utilization [OPTIONS]
- --id <machine_id>¶
Required Id of the machine to start
- --billingMonth <billing_month>¶
Required Month in YYYY-MM format
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Wait for the machine with the given id to enter a certain machine state. This action polls the server and returns only when we detect that the machine has transitioned into the given state.
gradient machines waitfor [OPTIONS]
- --id <machine_id>¶
Required Id of the machine to start
- --state <state>¶
Required Name of the state to wait for
- Options
off | serviceready | ready
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage models
gradient models [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create a model from an url or dataset id
gradient models create [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Required Model name
- --modelType <model_type>¶
Required Model type
- Options
Tensorflow | ONNX | Custom
- --datasetRef <dataset_ref>¶
Required Dataset ref to associate a model with
- --projectId <project_id>¶
ID of a project
- --modelSummary <model_summary>¶
Model summary
- --notes <notes>¶
Additional notes
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete model
gradient models delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <model_id>¶
Required Model ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show model details
gradient models details [OPTIONS]
- --id <model_id>¶
Required Model ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Download model files
gradient models download [OPTIONS]
- --id <model_id>¶
Required Model ID
- --destinationDir <destination_directory>¶
Required Destination directory
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List models with optional filtering
gradient models list [OPTIONS]
- --experimentId <experiment_id>¶
Use to filter by experiment ID
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Use to filter by project ID
- --tag <tags>¶
Filter by tags. Multiple use
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Upload a model file or directory
gradient models upload [OPTIONS] PATH
- --name <name>¶
Required Model name
- --modelType <model_type>¶
Required Model type
- Options
Tensorflow | ONNX | Custom
- --projectId <project_id>¶
ID of a project
- --clusterId <cluster_id>¶
ID of a cluster
- --modelSummary <model_summary>¶
Model summary
- --notes <notes>¶
Additional notes
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Required argument
Manage notebooks
gradient notebooks [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Manage notebooks’ artifacts
gradient notebooks artifacts [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
List notebook’s artifacts
gradient notebooks artifacts list [OPTIONS]
- --id <notebook_id>¶
Required ID of the notebook
- -s, --size¶
Show file size
- -l, --links¶
Show file URL
- --files <files>¶
Get only given file (use at the end * as a wildcard)
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create new notebook
gradient notebooks create [OPTIONS]
- --machineType <machine_type>¶
Required Virtual Machine type label e.g. P5000
- --container <container>¶
Required Container name
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Required Project ID
- --clusterId <cluster_id>¶
Cluster ID
- --name <name>¶
Notebook name
- --registryUsername <registry_username>¶
Registry username
- --registryPassword <registry_password>¶
Registry password
- --command <command>¶
Command (executed as /bin/sh -c ‘YOUR COMMAND’)
- --containerUser <container_user>¶
Container user
- --shutdownTimeout <shutdown_timeout>¶
Shutdown timeout in hours
- --isPreemptible¶
Is preemptible
- --isPublic¶
Is publically viewable
- --environment <environment>¶
Environmental variables
- --workspace <workspace>¶
S3 url or git repository. Directory uploads are not yet supported
- --workspaceRef <workspace_ref>¶
Git commit hash, branch name or tag
- --workspaceUsername <username>¶
- --workspacePassword <workspace_password>¶
Workspace password
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete existing notebook
gradient notebooks delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <id_>¶
Notebook ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show notebook details
gradient notebooks details [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required Notebook ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Fork existing notebook
gradient notebooks fork [OPTIONS]
- --id <id_>¶
Required Notebook ID
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Required Project ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List notebooks
gradient notebooks list [OPTIONS]
- -l, --limit <n_limit>¶
- -o, --offset <n_offset>¶
- --tag <tags>¶
Filter by tags. Multiple use
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List notebook logs
gradient notebooks logs [OPTIONS]
- --id <notebook_id>¶
- --line <line>¶
- --limit <limit>¶
- --follow <follow>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Read notebook metrics
gradient notebooks metrics [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Get notebook metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient notebooks metrics get [OPTIONS]
- --id <notebook_id>¶
Required ID of the notebook
- --metric <metrics_list>¶
One or more metrics that you want to read: cpuPercentage, memoryUsage, gpuMemoryFree, gpuMemoryUsed, gpuPowerDraw, gpuTemp, gpuUtilization, gpuMemoryUtilization. Defaults to cpuPercentage and memoryUsage. To view available custom metrics, use command: gradient notebooks metrics list
- --interval <interval>¶
- --start <start>¶
Timestamp of first time series metric to collect
- --end <end>¶
Timestamp of last time series metric to collect
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List notebook metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient notebooks metrics list [OPTIONS]
- --id <notebook_id>¶
Required ID of the notebook
- --interval <interval>¶
- --start <start>¶
Timestamp of first time series metric to collect
- --end <end>¶
Timestamp of last time series metric to collect
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Watch live notebook metrics. Shows CPU and RAM usage by default
gradient notebooks metrics stream [OPTIONS]
- --id <notebook_id>¶
Required ID of the notebook
- --metric <metrics_list>¶
One or more metrics that you want to read. Defaults to cpuPercentage and memoryUsage
- Options
cpuPercentage | memoryUsage | gpuMemoryFree | gpuMemoryUsed | gpuPowerDraw | gpuTemp | gpuUtilization | gpuMemoryUtilization
- --interval <interval>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Start notebook
gradient notebooks start [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required Notebook ID
- --machineType <machine_type>¶
Required Virtual Machine type label e.g. P5000
- --clusterId <cluster_id>¶
Cluster ID
- --shutdownTimeout <shutdown_timeout>¶
Shutdown timeout in hours
- --isPreemptible¶
Is preemptible
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Stop running notebook
gradient notebooks stop [OPTIONS]
- --id <notebook_id>¶
Required Stop notebook with given ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
Manage projects
gradient projects [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create project
gradient projects create [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Required Name of new project
- --repositoryName <repository_name>¶
Name of the repository
- --repositoryUrl <repository_url>¶
URL to the repository
- --tag <tags>¶
One or many tags that you want to add to experiment
- --tags <tags_comma>¶
Separated by comma tags that you want add to experiment
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete project and all its experiments
gradient projects delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <project_id>¶
Required ID of project
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show details of a project
gradient projects details [OPTIONS]
- --id <project_id>¶
Required Project ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List projects
gradient projects list [OPTIONS]
- --tag <tags>¶
Filter by tags. Multiple use
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage secrets
gradient secrets [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Delete secret
gradient secrets delete [OPTIONS] [cluster|project|team]
- --id <entity_id>¶
Entity ID
- --name <name>¶
Required Secret name
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Required argument
List secrets
gradient secrets list [OPTIONS] [cluster|project|team]
- --id <entity_id>¶
Entity ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Required argument
Set secret
gradient secrets set [OPTIONS] [cluster|project|team]
- --id <entity_id>¶
Entity ID
- --name <name>¶
Required Secret name
- --value <value>¶
Required Secret value
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Required argument
Manage storage providers
gradient storageProviders [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create storage providers
gradient storageProviders create [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create S3 storage provider
gradient storageProviders create s3 [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Required Storage provider name
- --bucket <bucket>¶
Required S3 bucket
- --accessKey <access_key>¶
Required S3 access key ID
- --secretAccessKey <secret_access_key>¶
Required S3 secret access key
- --endpoint <endpoint>¶
S3 endpoint URL
- --region <region>¶
S3 region
- --signatureVersion <signature_version>¶
S3 signature version (ex: v4)
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete storage provider
gradient storageProviders delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required Storage provider ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show storage provider details
gradient storageProviders details [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required Storage provider ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List storage providers
gradient storageProviders list [OPTIONS]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Update storage providers
gradient storageProviders update [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Update S3 storage provider
gradient storageProviders update s3 [OPTIONS]
- --id <id>¶
Required Storage provider ID
- --name <name>¶
Storage provider name
- --bucket <bucket>¶
S3 bucket
- --accessKey <access_key>¶
S3 access key ID
- --secretAccessKey <secret_access_key>¶
S3 secret access key
- --endpoint <endpoint>¶
S3 endpoint URL
- --region <region>¶
S3 region
- --signatureVersion <signature_version>¶
S3 signature version (ex: v4)
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Manage tensorboards
gradient tensorboards [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Update tensorboard experiments
gradient tensorboards add-experiments [OPTIONS]
- --id <tensorboard ID>¶
Required Tensorboard ID
- --experiment <experiment ID>¶
Required One or more experiment IDs [–experiment id1 –experiment id2 …]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Create new tensorboard
gradient tensorboards create [OPTIONS]
- --experiment <experiment ID>¶
Required One or more experiment IDs [–experiment id1 –experiment id2 …]
- --image <image>¶
Tensorboard Container Image, by default its set to tensorflow/tensorflow:latest
- --username <username>¶
Basic Auth Username
- --password <password>¶
Basic Auth Password
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Delete tensorboard
gradient tensorboards delete [OPTIONS]
- --id <tensorboard ID>¶
Required Tensorboard ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show details of a tensorboard
gradient tensorboards details [OPTIONS]
- --id <tensorboard ID>¶
Required Tensorboard ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show list of tensorboards
gradient tensorboards list [OPTIONS]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Update tensorboard experiments
gradient tensorboards remove-experiments [OPTIONS]
- --id <tensorboard ID>¶
Required Tensorboard ID
- --experiment <experiment ID>¶
Required One or more experiment IDs [–experiment id1 –experiment id2 …]
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Show the version and exit
gradient version [OPTIONS]
Manage workflows
gradient workflows [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Create workflow
gradient workflows create [OPTIONS]
- --name <name>¶
Required Workflow name
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Required Workflow name
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Get workflow info
gradient workflows get [OPTIONS]
- --id <workflow_id>¶
Required Workflow Id
- --show-runs¶
Fetch runs
- --run <run>¶
Specify workload run
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List workflows
gradient workflows list [OPTIONS]
- --projectId <project_id>¶
Project ID
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
List logs for specific workflow
gradient workflows logs [OPTIONS]
- --id <workflow_id>¶
Required Workflow ID
- --run <run>¶
Required Specify workload run
- --logId <workflow_log_id>¶
- --line <line>¶
- --limit <limit>¶
- --follow <follow>¶
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file
Run workflow spec
gradient workflows run [OPTIONS]
- --id <workflow_id>¶
Required Workflow ID
- --clusterId <cluster_id>¶
Cluster ID
- --path <spec_path>¶
Required Path to spec
- --inputPath <input_path>¶
Path to inputs
- --apiKey <api_key>¶
API key to use this time only
- --optionsFile <options_file>¶
Path to YAML file with predefined options
- --createOptionsFile <createoptionsfile>¶
Generate template options file