
'use strict';

var method = require('./../method');
var assign = require('lodash.assign');
var userConfig = require('./../userConfig');

const UNAUTHORIZED_EXTENDED_INFO = "\n\nNote: Please keep in mind that currently you can login only with the email and password " +
	"from your Paperspace account. If you're using AD, SAML or GitHub credentials, please log into the Paperspace Console " +
	"and create an API key for use with the CLI client. For more information, please refer to the CLI client documentation.";

 * @memberof login
 * @method user
 * @description
 * ** NOTE: The login method is currently disabled. Instead, you must use `--apiKey "API key"` with every command.
 * While the login method will not throw an error, it will not create a persistent session with your credentials. **
 * Logs in the user and acquires an api key.  If run from the command line and no email or password option is specified
 * the user is prompted to enter them.  Note: the api key is cached in the user's home directory in ~/.paperspace/config.json.
 * You can execute paperspace logout to clear the cached api key.
 * An optional apiToken parameter may also be specified; if specified, an API token with that name must already exist in the user's account.
 * @param {object} params - Login user parameters
 * @param {string} params.email - Email address of the paperspace user to log in
 * @param {string} params.password - Password for the specified email address
 * @param {string} [params.apiToken] - Optional name of an existing API token for the user's account
 * @param {function} cb - Node-style error-first callback function
 * @example
 * ** NOTE: The login method is currently disabled. Instead, you must use `--apiKey "API key"` with every command. **
 * ** While the login method will not throw an error, it will not create a persistent session with your credentials. **
 * paperspace.login.user({
 *   email: 'user@domain.com',
 *   password: 'secretpw',
 *   apiToken: 'API token', // optional; if specified, an API token with that name must already exist in the user's account
 * }, function(err, res) {
 *   // handle error or result
 * });
 * @example
 * ** NOTE: The login method is currently disabled. Instead, you must use `--apiKey "API key"` with every command. **
 * ** While the login method will not throw an error, it will not create a persistent session with your credentials. **
 * $ paperspace login --email user@mail.com --password "secretpw" --apiKey "API key"
 * @example
 * # HTTP request:
 * https://api.paperspace.io
 * POST /apiToken/createPublic
 * # Returns 200 on success

function user(params, cb) {
	if (params.apitoken && !params.apiToken) {
		params.apiToken = params.apitoken;
		delete params.apitoken;
	if (params.api_token && !params.apiToken) {
		params.apiToken = params.api_token;
		delete params.api_token;
	return method(user, params, function _cb(err, res) {
		if (err) {
			if (err.status === 401) {
				err.response.body.error.message += UNAUTHORIZED_EXTENDED_INFO;

			if (global.paperspace_cli) {
				return cb(err, 'nojson');
			return cb(err);
		userConfig.setApiKey(res.key, res.name);
		return cb();

assign(user, {
	auth: true,
	group: 'login',
	name: 'user',
	method: 'post',
	route: '/apiTokens/createPublic',
	requires: {},
	returns: {},

module.exports = user;