'use strict';
var method = require('./../method');
var assign = require('lodash.assign');
* @memberof machines
* @method create
* @description Create a new Paperspace virtual machine. If you are using an individual account,
* you will be assigned as the owner of the machine. If you are a team administrator, you must
* specify the user that should be assigned to the machine, either by specifing a user id, or by providing an email address, password, first name and
* last name for the creation of a new user on the team. (The email address must not already be associated with a Paperspace account, otherwise a user creation error is returned.)
* Note: if you attempt to create a new user along with the machine, the user creation step is executed before the creation of the machine.
* Therefore, if an error occurs, the user creation step may or may not have succeeded. To deal with this, if an error object is returned from the `machines create`
* method, subsquently call the `users list` method (with a search filter specifying the email address) to check if the user creation step succeeded.
* Note: machine creation is not always guaranteed to succeed, due to various possible issues such as machine availability, billing issues, resource issues, or system errors.
* However you can call the `machines availability` method to check for current point-in-time availability of a given machine type.
* This machine create action can only be performed by the account owner. (Team members cannot create machines themselves; only the team administrator may do so.)
* @param {object} params - Machine creation parameters
* @param {string} params.region - Name of the region: either 'East Coast (NY2)', 'West Coast (CA1)', or 'Europe (AMS1)'
* @param {string} params.machineType - Machine type: either 'Air', 'Standard', 'Pro', 'Advanced', 'GPU+', 'P4000', 'P5000', 'P6000', 'V100', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9', or 'C10'<p>
* Note:<br>
* Windows os templates cannot be used to create CPU-only machine types 'C1' - 'C10'.<br>
* Ubuntu os templates cannot be used to create GRID GPU machine types: 'Air', 'Standard', 'Pro', or 'Advanced'.
* @param {number} params.size - Storage size for the machine in GB
* @param {string} params.billingType - Either 'monthly' or 'hourly' billing
* @param {string} params.machineName - A memorable name for this machine
* @param {string} params.templateId - Template id of the template to use for creating this machine
* @param {boolean} [params.assignPublicIp] - Assign a new public ip address on machine creation. Cannot be used with dynamicPublicIp.
* @param {boolean} [params.dynamicPublicIp] - Assigns a new public ip address on machine start and releases it from the account on machine stop. Cannot be used with assignPublicIp.
* @param {string} [params.networkId] - If creating on a specific network, specify its id
* @param {string} [params.teamId] - If creating the machine for a team, specify the team id
* @param {string} [params.userId] - If assigning to an existing user other than yourself, specify the user id (mutually exclusive with email, password, firstName, lastName)
* @param {string} [params.email] - If creating a new user for this machine, specify their email address (mutually exclusive with userId)
* @param {string} [params.password] - If creating a new user, specify their password (mutually exclusive with userId)
* @param {string} [params.firstName] - If creating a new user, specify their first name (mutually exclusive with userId)
* @param {string} [params.lastName] - If creating a new user, specify their last name (mutually exclusive with userId)
* @param {string} [params.notificationEmail] - Send a notification to this email address when complete
* @param {string} [params.scriptId] - The script id of a script to be run on startup. See the [Script Guide]{@link https://paperspace.github.io/paperspace-node/scripts.md} for more info on using scripts.
* @param {function} cb - Node-style error-first callback function
* @returns {object} machine - The created machine JSON object
* @example
* paperspace.machines.create({
* region: 'East Coast (NY2)',
* machineType: 'Air',
* size: 50,
* billingType: 'hourly',
* machineName: 'My Machine 1',
* templateId: 't123abc',
* assignPublicIp: true, // optional - assign a new public ip address
* networkId: 'n123abc', // optional - only if creating on a specific network
* teamId: 'te456def', // optional - required if creating this machine for a team
* email: 'example@example.com', // optional - if creating a new user
* password: 'secret123', // optional - if creating a new user
* firstName: 'Jon', // optional - if creating a new user
* lastName: 'Snow', // optional - if creating a new user
* notificationEmail: 'example@example.com', // optional - address to send a notification when complete
* scriptId: 'sc123abc', // optional - a script to be run on startup
* }, function(err, res) {
* // handle error or result
* });
* @example
* $ paperspace machines create \
* --region "East Coast (NY2)" \
* --machineType "Air" \
* --size 50 \
* --billingType "hourly" \
* --machineName "My Machine 1" \
* --templateId "t123abc" \
* --assignPublicIp true \
* --networkId "n123abc" \
* --teamId "te456def" \
* --userId "u123abc" \
* --email "example@example.com" \
* --password "secret123" \
* --firstName "Jon" \
* --lastName "Snow" \
* --notificationEmail "example@example.com" \
* --scriptId "sc123abc"
* @example
* # HTTP request:
* https://api.paperspace.io
* POST /machines/createSingleMachinePublic {"region": "East Coast (NY2)", "machineType": "Air", "size": 50, "billingType": "monthly", "machineName": "My Machine 1", "templateId": "t123abc", "assignPublicIp": true, "networkId": "n123abc", "teamId": "te456def", "email": "example@example.com", "password": "secret123", "firstName": "Jon", "lastName": "Snow", "notificationEmail": "example@example.com"}
* x-api-key: 1ba4f98e7c0...
* # Returns 201 on success
* @example
* // Example return value:
* {
* "id": "ps123abc",
* "name": "My Machine",
* "os": null,
* "ram": null,
* "cpus": 1,
* "gpu": null,
* "storageTotal": null,
* "storageUsed": null,
* "usageRate": "Air hourly",
* "shutdownTimeoutInHours": 24,
* "shutdownTimeoutForces": false,
* "performAutoSnapshot": false,
* "autoSnapshotFrequency": null,
* "autoSnapshotSaveCount": null,
* "agentType": "WindowsDesktop",
* "dtCreated": "2017-02-16T20:26:54.880Z",
* "state": "provisioning",
* "updatesPending": false,
* "networkId": null,
* "privateIpAddress": null,
* "publicIpAddress": "",
* "region": null,
* "userId": "u123abc",
* "teamId": "te456def",
* "scriptId": "sc123abc",
* "dtLastRun": null,
* "dynamicPublicIp": null
* }
function create(params, cb) {
return method(create, params, cb);
assign(create, {
auth: true,
group: 'machines',
name: 'create',
method: 'post',
route: '/machines/createSingleMachinePublic',
requires: {
region: 'string',
machineType: 'string',
size: 'number',
billingType: 'string',
machineName: 'string',
templateId: 'string',
returns: {},
module.exports = create;